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HomeColumns & BlogsHonour Thy Mother - Vibert Parvatan

Honour Thy Mother – Vibert Parvatan

Happy Mothers Day! May the pure love of a mother be always recognized by children, who with thankful hearts and appreciation return that love. Mother’s Day is always a special occasion. It allows men and women, boys and girls, to focus attention on that very special person we call mother. The years go by so quickly! Suddenly, the child of yesterday surrounded by parental love, becomes a parent with the responsibility for the upbringing of children. As I think of Mother’s Day, like so many of you, I remember my be

Happy Mothers Day! May the pure love of a mother be always recognized by children, who with thankful hearts and appreciation return that love. Mother’s Day is always a special occasion. It allows men and women, boys and girls, to focus attention on that very special person we call mother.

The years go by so quickly! Suddenly, the child of yesterday surrounded by parental love, becomes a parent with the responsibility for the upbringing of children.

As I think of Mother’s Day, like so many of you, I remember my beloved mother who regarded her children as being very special and likewise her children surrounded her with love. My mother and father moulded and shaped the lives of their children and many others. My mother’s strength was in her unselfish and kind manner which she always exhibited not only to her children, but to everyone she came into contact with.

What are the things I remember most of my mother and my childhood days at this, the late stage of my life?

I remember her life. She always had kind words for her children. She wanted us to be happy and often counseled us on being honest and kind; loving and caring; humble and respectful.

For her, an important daily activity was reaching out to others by way of providing a helping hand, guidance and protection. She often said to us that “it is nice to be nice” and “it is in giving that you receive”.

School mates, friends, neighbours, relatives, have all been the beneficiary of my mother’s love and charity. Her personal interest on how we appeared and how we behaved was always very evident. I remember with love, her taking me back into the bathroom and scrubbing the back of my neck and behind my ears, having identified that I was not doing it the way it should be done.

I recall when dressed for Sunday school and on saying goodbye with a kiss, she spotted that my shoes were not well polished. In spite of my suggestion that I was running late, there was no compromise. The shoes had to be properly cleaned.

My mother not only guided us in relation to values and deportment, but she herself set a fine example.

The years go by so quickly! Indelibly inscribed in my memory, are the beautiful and happy experiences with my mother. She was always sympathetic and made a special effort to visit the home of a bereaved family, to attend a wake, and sing lustily at the wake and possibly attend the funeral of someone she knew.

The years go by so quickly! Suddenly, there were changes taking place in our lives. My father died and my mother assumed the role of father and mother. She was the source of joy and happiness in the home. Assertive but kind. With time, things do change. My brothers, sisters and I grew up becoming men and women with our own families. The passing years brought changes to everyone. I saw evidence of the aging process in my mother. Her health deteriorated but her spiritual strength increased. Nothing changed her generosity of spirit, her love for life, her love for others and her determination to bring joy to other people.

Eventually, our roles changed. Instead of my mother lovingly taking care of me, I assumed the leadership role and with pride and satisfaction ensured that my mother was always well taken care of. Like every human being, the earthly life ends and so did hers, eight years ago.

I share those thoughts with readers to emphasize the need to grasp every opportunity to benefit from the guidance of a mother, to appreciate the great love she bestows and to ensure that as children we never ever forget that precious love which mothers give to their children.

Today’s events will be memories in years to come and it behooves us to strive to ensure that those memories will be of joy, happiness, sharing and loving relationships. We sang together regularly. I certainly acknowledge that a mother’s love is a blessing.

This Mother’s Day will find children and parents in a variety of situations. For those of you whose mothers like mine, are no longer of the earthly flesh, I hope that your memories will be very pleasant and that you can look back with thanks to God for the mother you had and the mother you always remember. My mother was very special to me.

To those of you who are privileged, thanks be to God, to have your mother on this Mother’s Day, I commend to you to make the most of the opportunity not only on Mother’s Day, but to daily show her gratitude, appreciation, love and kindness.

Having known the warmth and joy of a mother’s tender care, let us think of Orphans who have a different situation and reach out to them.

It is sad to know that there are many mothers who will be quietly reflecting on their lives in homes provided for the elderly. They will be surrounded by persons in similar situations with caring nurses in attendance. What may be their thoughts if they have living children? Will they feel abandoned?


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