The residents of Plum Park Sophia Georgetown are concerned about their main access road when it rains. Just after 24 hours of rain, the main access road turned into a pool. “Just look at the main road; when they come to make it, they do something, hurry up, and done,” one resident told a Guyana Graphic reporter.

The road, which some 400 people have to traverse when it rains, is “falling to pieces,” and no government official seems to be hearing their call. “You know how much time we reported this road? Children have to get to school; government and private workers have to go to work. It looks like no one cares about us in this part of the country,” Mr. Blackmore said.
A nurse who lives also in “Plum Park” shared her concern about the bushes on the side of the road. “They really need to do something about the road and the bush; what if I have to work late and someone tries to rape me. These r things the Neighborhood Democratic Council (NDC) has to look at.”

The residents are calling on the Ministry of Local Government to investigate the matter and hope for some relief soon.